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China Moving Further Away from Communism: Economic and Human Rights Reforms
Karl Marx would not be amused, reported Canadian Globe and Mail (Right to private property enshrined in Chinese constitution). Chinese Parliament voted with overwhelming majority (of course, communists work, think and vote like one) that private property is "inviolable" and must be given constitutional protection. A separate amendment adopts the so-called Three Represents theory of former president Jiang Zemin, which proclaims that all classes of society - including entrepreneurs - should be represented in the Chinese Communist Party. (I thought communism was rule of the masses not the classes!) However, Chinese constitutional provisions, continues the Globe and Mail, are often ignored or never translated into useful measures for ordinary people.
Chinese Parliament also voted a mention of human rights in the constitution for the first time, reading: The state respects and preserves human rights, reported BBC (China endorses private property). But analysts say such a brief mention is ambiguous and makes no mention of political freedom.


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