International Development

International Development in Eatern Europe: Visit this page for news, resources and opinions on International Development topics: economic, educational, health and environmental policies.


Most and Least Corrupt Countries
Corruption impedes economic development in many countries. According to the latest Transparency International Corruption Perception Index, Finland, Denmark, New Zealand, Iceland and Singapore are the 5 least corrupt countries in the world, while countries such as Bangladesh, Nigeria, Paraguay, Madagascar and Angola have serious problems with corruption.
Read more at:
India and Brazil to forge an economic partnership "to tide over the trade "obstacles" being raised by the US and EU"
The Times of India and the Hindustan Times report that this could be a mutual beneficial partnership as India and Brazil have many commonalities: large population territory, fairly young and poor population, and similar interests with respect to WTO agricultural negotiations. An enhanced trade partnership can be a cornerstone for forging a long-term partnership "to fight Western hegemony".
Read complete articles at:
Times of India
Hindustan Times,0012.htm


Much needed changes in the United Nations (UN) may be upcoming:
India, Brazil and South Africa will back each others' applications for permanent membership in the UN Security Council. In June 2003, the three countries launched the G-3 or India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum to counter trade policies of developed countries.
BBC article:


Economic Reforms in Former Socialist Republics
Post-Socialist Recession, World Bank Group streaming video
Mr. Anders Aslund, Director of the Russian and Eurasian Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, provides very interesting analysis of the post-socialist economic reforms in Russia, the former Soviet Union republics and Central European countries.


Bridging the Digital Divide: Wi-Fi for rural Cambodia Schools
Rural Cambodia, Though Far Off the Grid, Is Finding Its Way Online
New York Times (free membership required)


Renewed focus on Development?
During his speech at the WEF in Davos, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan announced UN intentions to convene a summit in June to renew the interest of the international community on development issues. BBC reported that Annan reminded that the role of the UN is to take collective measures to ensure the security and well-being of all nations by not only focusing on terrorism and weapons of mass destruction but also by protecting “millions of our fellow men and women from the more familiar threats of poverty, hunger and deadly diseases.”
The summit in June aims to renew world interest in development after the WTO trade talks stalled due to lack of agreement on agricultural subsidies and market access issues. The summit is expected to use the Global Compact document as a starting point. In 1999, business leaders signed the document and committed to work together with UN agencies and society to support nine basic principles in the areas of human rights, labor and the environment.

Read full BBC article:
Learn more about the Global Compact:


World Economic Forum (WEF)
The WEF is taking place in Davos, Switzerland, Jan 21-25, 2004. Visit the link below for session summaries:


World Social Forum (WSF) - Another World Is Possible
The forth WSF is towards its end in Mumbai, India. The first WSF was organized in Brazil in 2001 as an antipode to the World Economic Forum: a meeting of the rich and powerful. This is the first year the forum is held outside of Porto Alegre.The WSF promotes human rights, social justice and sustainable development (WSF charter).
Since 2001, each year the forum is attended by thousands, even hundreds of thousands opposing globalization, imperialism, neo-liberalism, and powerful multinational corporations. The WSF participants state that there is something wrong with the world today, that globalization is not solving the world problems but it is intensifying economic inequality, poverty, environmental degradation and exploitation. But another world is possible...

Click here for proceedings of the WSF in Mumbai, Jan 19-21, 2004.

Previous WSF:
Porto Alegre, Brazil, January 23-28, 2003
Porto Alegre, Brazil, January 31 - February 5, 2002
Porto Alegre, Brazil, January 30, 2001


After couple of years of playing on "economic development" in the echelons of the provincial government, when the frustration completely set in, I've decided to open this blog in the hope that it will help me learn more about international development. So, if you have come across an interesting article, report or book, feel free to posts your comments. I am only interested in your opinion on international development topics not in your knowledge of English grammar.
Like most of the other blogs, this page contains "quick" thoughts on issues that I found interesting. Enjoy!