International Development

International Development in Eatern Europe: Visit this page for news, resources and opinions on International Development topics: economic, educational, health and environmental policies.


Another Small Victory - Ukrainian Parliament Votes Constitutional Changes

Verhovna Rada of Ukraine today voted with overwhelming majority changes in the Ukrainian Constitution together with changes in the regional governance laws and the election laws paving the way for the establishment of parliamentary democracy in Ukraine and the upcoming re-run of the second round of the presidential election on December 26, 2004.

Considerable power was transferred from the President to the Parliament:
- the President can only appoint the Prime Minister, the Minister of Internal and International Affaires. The other members of the Cabinet are approved by the Parliament
- (Coalition of) Parliamentary Fractions (not parties) propose Members of the Cabinet
- The President together with Leaders of Parliamentary Fraction can decide to disband parliament under certain conditions

Other changes, include:
- A Member of the Parliament (MPs) cannot be member of the Cabinet
- The National Bank of Ukraine was stripped from law making powers
- Decentralization/ changes in the system of local governance (to be voted on)

Most of the changes are part of the election platform of Yushchenko (Leader of Our Ukraine – current opposition) and the favored presidential contender.

Read more: Analysis: Ukraine's compromise deal, Ukraine parliament backs reforms and Ukrainian Parliament Voted Constitutional Changes (Верховная Рада приняла изменения в Конституцию Украины)


PEREMOHA (Victory) - Or Just The First Step

Just a few minutes ago the Supreme Court of Ukraine invalidated the results of the second round of the presidential elections. Ukrainians will cast their vote for Viktor Yushchenko or Viktor Yanukovich for a third time on December 26, 2004.

"Today, the court system proved that it exists and it works", said a protester. The sense in the air is that people will no longer be scared to stand up for their rights and will oppose violations.

The decision for the annulment of the second round was based on the evidence for numerous violations done with vitkriplia posvitcheni (absentee forms), among others. The Parliament (Verhovna Rada) is expected to vote an amendment to the procedure next week. Maybe by a stamp in the passport? It makes sense, many other countries do it.

How clean will the next elections be? I’ll keep you updated.

Until then, let’s see what else is happening around the world.